
Events and Workshops

In addition to sharing information about events hosted by our partners, there are a number of ongoing meetings and workshops hosted by SURJ Atlanta. Visit the calendar for details and to register!

Action Hours

Join SURJ Atlanta members for one hour to take concrete actions to combat racism, while getting to know each other and the goals behind our work. One hour where we meet over Zoom, phones in hand, to take concrete actions — calling elected officials, signing petitions, etc. — that our partners have asked us to take to combat racism against Black & Indigenous people and communities of color. We aim to make our Action Hours a welcoming space for new folks to take immediate action. Each action hour will be framed with brief political education so folks know why they're taking action and how their advocacy relates to the bigger picture. We will start and end each call with short, small group discussions to help folks build community, feel supported, and feel less isolated during these virtual actions. See our past Action Hour meeting notes here.


To become an official member, you must first attend orientation. Our 1.5 hour orientation welcomes and introduces you to SURJ’s work and values. This is also an opportunity to explore new relationships, our stake in dismantling white supremacy, and meaningful engagement in the chapter. This orientation will be 30-45 minutes introducing you to our chapter, 30 minutes exploring our stake in dismantling white supremacy, and about 15 minutes explaining the next steps to get involved in the chapter. If you are completely new to SURJ, or someone who has left and wanting to come back in, or still looking to find meaningful engagement, or have been with SURJ for a long time you are welcome to join us.

Exploring Power and Privilege

This free workshop seeks to help participants better understand how white privilege upholds systems of oppression. These sessions are usually held by white facilitators who work to create an inclusive and safe space.

Compassionate Anti-Racist Conversations

Strategy session for responding to problematic remarks from friends, family, and colleagues: An offhand remark, a frustrating post on facebook, a dinner table conversation that takes a turn for the worst, we’ve all been there. In the heat of the moment, finding the right response and creating an environment for learning is very challenging and requires preparation and practice.

This 2-hour workshop will introduce participants to a strategy for creating compassionate conversations that connect, inform, and spark curiosity. Then we will pick a common phrase we hear from people around us and work through the steps of our conversation process. For example, how can we connect with someone who says “All Lives Matter?” What personal story can I prepare to inspire curiosity and connection with someone who believes in racial colorblindness? We’ll spend a lot of time in breakout groups, exploring these questions and building specific strategies to have productive conversations that seek to move people into anti-racist mindsets.